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Sex, Intimacy, Dirty Talk

(Darcy Magazine)

How To Talk Dirty Without Feeling Like A Goober

When it comes to dirty talk, some of us are naturals, and some of us can’t get through a moan without bursting into laughter. 

Sex, Intimacy

(Darcy Magazine)

4 Tips To Get Him To Finish Faster Without Crushing His Soul

We’ve all heard the phrase, “it’s a marathon, not a sprint.” Well, whoever came up with that slogan must’ve never experienced a run on sex session.

Sex, Intimacy

(Darcy Magazine)

How To Have (Good) Sex If Your Partner Has A Big Penis

We know guys all think bigger is better. But, if your partner is packing a penis so big it makes a roll in the hay something you avoid, then these sex tips will come in handy.